Mendon Police Introduce New Badge
“The police station featured on the badge is a reminder of the strong relationship we have with the community and the collaborative efforts that allow us to continue improving public safety,” said Chief Kurczy.
Addiction is a chronic disease, not a personal choice or weakness. If it’s not treated, addiction becomes more serious, disabling, and dangerous. But there is hope. Addiction can be treated, and if you are struggling with addiction, you can recover.
The Regional Substance Navigation Program in Milford works to provide a support network for those in the Milford, Mendon, Hopedale, Upton, and Medway area for those who are recovering from a substance use disorder. This program is a collaborative effort supported by local police departments, the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Worcester County District Attorney’s Office.
Recovery Resource Center
12 Main Street
Milford, MA 01757
Hotline: (508) 377-3370
General: (508) 552-8080
Email: contact@chriscornermilford.com
Being part of a recovery community can help keep young people on their personal recovery path. It can also help them avoid setbacks and move forward if setbacks do occur. Supportive recovery communities provide a network of other young people who enjoy life without alcohol or other drugs. There are many types of supports available for young people in Massachusetts who are in recovery from a substance use disorder.
“The police station featured on the badge is a reminder of the strong relationship we have with the community and the collaborative efforts that allow us to continue improving public safety,” said Chief Kurczy.
The Mendon Police Department is proud to share that we have officially earned accreditation from the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission (MPAC). This recognition reflects our