Autism Awareness

Our Autism Patch Program is a public awareness and fundraising campaign where proceeds will be reinvested in the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism. Each year we join over 130 law enforcement agencies across North America for this challenge. For the month of April, our uniformed officers wear multi-colored puzzle block style patches to raise awareness and acceptance for Autism.


This challenge was started by the New Rochelle Police Department of Westchester County, NY in February 2017. New Rochelle Police Detective Chris Grecco and his wife are the parents of an autistic child.


Through the assistance of the Mendon Police Association, we are excited to make the patches available to the public. Proceeds will help provide direct financial assistance to families to help relieve the financial burden of caring for a loved one with autism as well as fund community organizations and schools providing critical, innovative and responsive programming and/or services that are answering the everyday challenges facing the autism community today.

Help Raise Awareness

Autism Awareness Patch


Autism Awareness T-Shirt

Partnerships and Resources

Doug Flutie Jr.

Foundation for autism

The Flutie Foundation’s mission is help people and families affected by autism live life to the fullest. They offer programs and activities to improve the quality of everyday life for people and families affected by autism along seven key dimensions that are critical to living each day fully.

Autism Resources

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts enacted landmark legislation in 2014 that created the Autism Commission. There are seven Autism Support Centers that provide support, information, referral, family activities and events, educational and therapeutic programs for children and adults with autism, as well as siblings, school vacation events, and community partnerships to area businesses.

Exceptional Lives

Resources and Support

Exceptional Lives encourages and guides families and providers caring for children with disabilities by offering information, advocacy and skill-building tools, and connections to other caregivers. We support family resiliency through clear, compassionate guidance grounded in our own personal experience.

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Mendon Police Introduce New Badge

“The police station featured on the badge is a reminder of the strong relationship we have with the community and the collaborative efforts that allow us to continue improving public safety,” said Chief Kurczy.

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