Halloween Parade

Mendon Police Department

We are excited to announce that on Friday, October 30, 2020 from 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm the Mendon Police and Mendon Fire Department will be holding a Public Safety Halloween Parade! 

The parade will feature first-responder emergency vehicles that will drive through town to spread some happiness and joy to our community during these tough times. We encourage you to get involved in the event by getting dressed up in your favorite costume and by displaying your most creative Halloween decorations!


As in past practice our parade route will stream live through Facebook! Please come on out from a safe social distance when you see us driving by to show your community spirit! There will be a first place, second place, and third place chosen. The winning households will receive gift cards to local restaurants.


To participate, all you need to do is decorate your property by 4:00 pm on Friday, October 30!If you want to make sure your property doesn’t get missed, you can register your property, voluntarily at no-cost, by clicking the registration button below. This will place your address on a publicly viewable list of participating households. Any questions or concerns can be sent to MPDMediaRelations@mendonma.gov

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